
Easy Recipe schotel macaroni paste "Delicious"

image by  www.pixabay. com Macaroni is a type of pasta that you can easily make yourself, for cooking macaroni schotel that is tasty and simple.  Macaroni is one of Italy's special foods, a kind of elbow-shaped pasta.  Generally processed with cream sauce and added peas. You can even mix it with chicken, beef or other vegetables to suit your family's taste.  This recipe is a combination of Italian and Dutch recipes. Macaroni is a type of pasta derived from wheat flour, semolina flour, and endosperm of wheat seeds or known as milled durum.  Image by Macaroni is a type of pasta that you can easily make yourself, for cooking macaroni schotel that is tasty and simple.  Macaroni is one of Italy's special foods, a kind of elbow-shaped pasta.  Generally processed with cream sauce and added peas. You can even mix it with chicken, beef or other vegetables to suit your family's taste. This recipe is a combination of Italian and Dutch recipes. 

Tasty and easy pizza recipe for family

Starting from a family member who likes pizza so much, he finally decided to make his own with the recipe results from several existing recipes and certainly easy and delicious. Ingredients: - 500 gr high protein flour  - 2 tablespoons instant yeast - 3 tablespoons granulated sugar  - 2 tablespoons milk powder - 5 tablespoons olive oil / cooking oil 1 tablespoon of salt  - 300 ml of warm water STEP : Mix warm water yeast and granulated sugar then stir and let stand until foamy (if not foam replace the yeast)   Add flour, milk powder, salt, oil and yeast mixture then knead until smooth  After smooth save the dough in a large container and let stand for 1 hour or expand 2x fold After the mixture has flattened, knead the dough and knead again for a while  Round the dough and cut it as needed, then heat it in a baking pan and let stand for 10 minutes then add tomato paste and cool topping Bake in the oven at a temperature of 160 de

Unboxing ikan guppy serta tips perawatan

Gupi ,  ikan seribu ,  ikan cere , atau  suwadakar  ( Poecilia reticulata ), adalah salah satu spesies ikan  hias air tawar yang paling populer di dunia. Karena mudahnya menyesuaikan diri dan beranak-pinak, di banyak tempat di indonesia atau asia tenggara  ikan ini telah menjadi ikan liar   yang memenuhi parit-parit dan selokan. Dalam perdagangan ikan hias dikenal sebagai  guppy  atau juga  millionfish , di berbagai daerah lokal seperti  gepi  ,   bungkreung  ,   cethul  atau  cithul ,  klataw , dan lain-lain. Ikan jenis ini sangat gampang sekali di kembang biak kan atau di pelihara karna unik nya dari ikan jenis ini ialah beranak. Ikan ini juga sangat di gemari oleh kalangan penghobi ikan hias terutama penghobi ikan guppy karena ikan ini eksotis dengan banyak warna ataupun warna yang beragam tergantung jenisnya. Baik lah sobat guppy... Mari kita simak bagaimana cara penanganan unboxing serta perawatan ikan guppy. UNBOXING DAN PERAWATAN IKAN GUPPY Pertama kita pastinya memb